ArtSea Community Arts Council is a charitable organization that relies on support from the community in order to operate and present arts and cultural programming.
ArtSea is grateful for financial support received through grants, sponsorships, and donations, as well as in-kind support from our community partners.

ArtSea would like to thank our Municipal, Provincial, and Local Foundations for their support.
ArtSea acknowledges the financial contribution from the Province of British Columbia, the Town of Sidney, the District of North Saanich, and the District of Central Saanich.

Thanks to the ArtSea President’s Circle Supporters

The President’s Circle is a group of philanthropic individuals and organizations that generously contribute to further the ArtSea mission of supporting and promoting arts and culture in our community.
On behalf of our community that benefits from this generosity, the ArtSea Board of Directors would like to thank and recognize the following supporters for their contributions of $1000 or more to support ArtSea initiatives.

ArtSea is pleased to acknowledge the Henderson Family as the lead sponsors for the 2024 Salish Sea Lantern Festival and esteemed members of the ArtSea President’s Circle. Their commitment to arts and culture has greatly enriched our community.
ArtSea is grateful to the Peninsula CO-OP for their generous contribution toward resources and capital equipment improvements for ArtSea and the ArtSea Gallery in Tulista Park. This investment will have a lasting impact, and the resulting improvements will benefit the 20,000 annual visitors to the gallery and the more than 150 artists that exhibit their work throughout the year. It will also help to support the efforts of the dedicated ArtSea team that works to deliver high-quality arts and cultural programming for the community.
Learn more about the equipment purchased thanks to this generous contribution HERE (click the heading “Display Systems and Equipment Available at the Gallery”)
ArtSea is fortunate to work with the amazing team at the Sidney BIA throughout each year to support and promote arts and culture in our community. ArtSea collaborates with the SBIA each spring to present the Sidney Art Walk. In the summer, the SBIA coordinates the the beautiful jellyfish lantern display in Garden Court and sponsors the evening entertainment at the Salish Sea Lantern Festival. We are also grateful to the SBIA for helping to promote the ArtSea Studio Tour and other community programs offered by ArtSea.
ArtSea is thrilled to have THEPRINTLAB as the official printer for ArtSea programs and events! THEPRINTLAB generously donated the printing for the 2024 Salish Sea Lantern Festival event maps and the 2024 ArtSea Studio Tour Brochures. Check out THEPRINTLAB for all your printing needs!
ArtSea would like to thank Thrifty Foods, Sidney for helping to support out team of ArtSea volunteers. Through this generous contribution, ArtSea has been able to offer refreshments for volunteer gatherings at the ArtSea Gallery. Thrifty Foods also provided a tent and two volunteers to work at the Salish Sea Lantern Festival and support the Salish Sea Lantern Festival volunteer crew throughout the evening with food, drink, and a place to rest.
Rotary Club of Sidney by the Sea actively supports various needs in the Sidney and Greater Victoria areas. ArtSea is delighted to welcome The Rotary Club of Sidney to the ArtSea President’s Circle, where their support will help foster arts and culture in our community. We are equally excited about their participation in the Salish Sea Lantern Festival, where they showcase a wonderful costume and unique hand-constructed lantern.
Holmes Realty Group is a long-time supporter of the annual Salish Sea Lantern Festival. Each year ArtSea receives a generous contribution from Holmes Realty, which helps to cover some of the expense associated with materials and equipment for this this highly anticipated celebration of art, culture, light, and community.
Seaside Magazine is a great supporter of local arts and culture. ArtSea grateful for the support offered over the years and is very grateful for the opportunity to advertise ArtSea Programs and events in Seaside Magazine with an in-kind contribution for advertising space.

Would you or your organization like to contribute toward local arts and culture? We would be happy to connect with you!
ArtSea would also like to thank our Community Partners!
ArtSea is grateful to the following community-minded organizations that provide sponsorship, donation, or in-kind support for ArtSea programs and events.
Supporters of ArtSea Programs
ArtSea is fortunate to operate within the unceded territory of the Coast Salish People – within the traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation – Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Tsawout and Tseycum peoples.