ArtSea and the Sidney BIA are pleased to present the 4th annual Sidney Art Walk
March 15 – April 15, 2024
This collaborative initiative aims to transform the Town of Sidney into a vibrant art gallery, showcasing the diverse talents of local artists.
The Sidney Art Walk contributes to the cultural enrichment of the community by bringing art into public spaces.
Pick up the Sidney Art Walk printed guide at the Sidney Info Centre, or you can view/download a copy below.
Also explore the interactive map below to learn more about participating artists and visit (virtually) this year’s host locations.
2024 Art Walk Interactive map
Participating businesses and organizations will be displaying a variety of fantastic local artwork. From abstract paintings to sculpture; wood carvings, mosaics, and much more. You are sure to find something that inspires! Look for the 2024 Art Walk decal on the widows of participating locations.
You can search by artist or location – or click a green purple icon to see details.
Click to view full screen – top right corner of the interactive map.
Click to view a map list – top left corner of the interactive map.
View and Download (PDF) Sidney Art Walk Guide

Sidney Art Walk – Artwork by local Artists and Artisans
Take a peek at some of the artwork that you may see during the 2024 Sidney Art Walk



Sidney Art Walk Participant Feedback Survey
Participants of the 2024 Sidney Art Walk will have the opportunity to provide feedback to ArtSea about their experience! Please take a moment to fill out the short survey, which will help to inform future ArtSea programs and ensure that we are doing our best to serve our members and our community.
Guidelines for participating Art Walk Artists (click to expand)
- Artwork must be in good physical condition and ready to hang/display (this includes hanging wires securely attached to 2D Artwork).
- Artwork must be original, recently produced artworks by ArtSea Members who are residents of Southern Vancouver Island or the Gulf Islands.
- 2D and 3D work must be appropriate in colour and size and reasonable to set up for display in a retail location.
- All artwork must have the following information on the back or included with the work: artist’s name, phone number, title, size and medium.
- Artists will supply tags for their work, including: title of artwork, artist name, contact information (email, phone number, social media links – according to artist preference), medium, dimensions.
- Artists will supply a clean, legible and computer-printed copy of their professional biography to display with their work. The retail establishment that is displaying artwork will not be responsible for answering questions about artwork or participating artists, so this document is an opportunity to share information with the community.
- Purchasers will contact the artist directly and the artist will arrange for the purchaser to collect the artwork after the conclusion of the event, at a location that is suitable to the artist (please note: out of respect for the retail establishment that has been kind enough to display your work, please do not meet customers or conduct sales at the retail location displaying your artwork).
- Artists and subsequent artwork are selected by the ArtSea Art Walk Committee. Artwork is placed in retail locations that are selected by the Art Walk Committee. Since adjudicating artwork and finding the best match with retail locations is a complex process, these decisions are final.
- Artists are responsible for the delivery of their work to a specified location, at a prearranged time.
- Artists are responsible to promptly collect their artwork at the conclusion of the Sidney Art Walk event, at a pre-arranged time.
- Participating artists must have a current ArtSea Membership.
- There are no registration fees or artist commissions for the Sidney Art Walk.
- ArtSea and the SBIA assume no responsibility to loss, damage, or theft of artwork while it is on display as part of the Sidney Art Walk event; it is up to each artist to ensure that their work is insured according to their own preferences.
- ArtSea is pleased to offer this opportunity to local artists and artisans to present work in the community. Please direct all questions and comments about the program to the ArtSea team, rather than to participating retail locations. You are welcome to email admin@artsea.ca. And remember to show respect and gratitude to the local establishments that are providing retail space to display your work! 🙂
The 2024 Sidney Art Walk
The 2024 Sidney Art Walk will take place between March 15th and April 15th, 2023. Registration is accepted on a first-come, first-serve bases (provide all eligibility requirements are met) and will close when all spaces are filled. This is a popular program and fills up quickly! An ArtSea Team Member / representative will follow up with registered participants within one to two weeks of receiving the registration form.
Event set-up will take place during the week prior to the event; please ensure that you can be available, prior to filling out an expression of interest.
– THE 2024 Sidney Art Walk Registrations are now CLOSED –
Thank you to the Sidney Art Walk Team
ArtSea is grateful to Program Coordinators, Wendy Picken and Tori Jones, for working with local businesses and local artists to making this program a success! Their time and dedication provide valuable opportunities for ArtSea Members to showcase their work and enrich our community.