ArtSea Gallery – Rental Feedback FormArtSea Gallery – Rental Feedback"*" indicates required fieldsArtSea Gallery Rental and Contact InformationDate of your ArtSea Gallery Rental Week (if applicable)Title of Exhibition or Workshop (if applicable)Name* First Last Address Street Address Address Line 2 City AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon Province Postal Code Email address*Telephone*ArtSea Gallery FeedbackFeel free to answer any or all of the following questions. ArtSea is always open to receiving feedback and improving our processes and procedures.1a. Were you provided with adequate information, prior to your Rental? * Yes No, I was not provided with adequate information or could not access the information that was available.1b. If you answered "NO" to the previous question, what information would have been helpful?2. Did you find the Gallery Rental Booking process easily accessible and straightforward? Yes, I booked online and the process worked well. I was able to book, but the process was complicated. I found the ArtSea Gallery Reservation Process very complicated. and required assistance.3a. Did you find the Gallery Orientation welcoming and informative? Yes No, the Renter Orientation Session needs improvement3b. If you answered "NO" to the previous question, what information would have been helpful?4. Tell us about your experience with any of the display equipment that was used as part of your exhibition or workshop.5. Did the daily number of visitors to the Gallery meet your expectations? Yes No Only some days6. Did Artwork Sales meet your expectations? Yes, sales exceeded my expectations. I reached my sales targets. I did not reach my sales targets.7. Did marketing and promotional efforts for your rental week meet your expectations. Yes, my expectations were met or exceeded. No, my expectations were not met. I do not use social media, but was please with the tools provided by ArtSea.8. Are you interested in renting the ArtSea Gallery again in the future? Yes No Maybe9. Please tell us about your experience with the ArtSea Gallery building, space, or facility. You may share information about access to parking for yourself or gallery visitors, the condition of the gallery building or attached / surrounding facilities, the location of the Gallery, or any other information that you would like to share.10. In your opinion, how important is the ArtSea Gallery as an arts and cultural resource for local artists, and for the greater community? (your opinion is important, and assists ArtSea in advocating for the needs of the community and accessing local and regional funding support) *11. Additional Comments are welcome.