ArtSea Community Arts Council is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and achieves its goals through the valued contribution of dedicated staff and volunteers. ArtSea has an open membership available to artists, arts and cultural groups, and residents interested in the arts. Currently ArtSea receives provincial, municipal and community foundation funding and creates self-generating income.

Join us!
Please fill out the volunteer application form below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Volunteer Opportunities
- ArtSea Board of Directors
- ArtSea Gallery Committee
- The ArtSea Gallery Committee
- Arts and Culture Grant Program Committee
- Salish Sea Lantern Festival Committee
- ArtSea Studio Tour Committee
- Social Media and online Communications
- Work on the monthly ArtSea Newsletter
- Sponsorships/Fundraising Committee
- Organize the electronic photo directory
- Do you have other skills that you would like to share? Copy writing, advertising, editing, budgeting, IT, partnerships, fundraising, etc. – we would love to hear from you!
Why Volunteer?
- Share your creative ideas
- Use your skills / develop new skills
- Explore a new area of interest
- Contribute in-person or from home
- Safe environment
- Be a part of a fun team
- Connect with like-minded people
- Choose programs that are meaningful to you
- Make a difference in your community
- Strengthen your resume or CV
- Make new friends and networks
- Work with community partners
- Learn more about arts and culture
- Share your experience and expertise
Volunteer Application Form
Thanks for your interest in ArtSea. Please provide us with some information and indicate your areas of interest. We will be in touch with you shortly.
Download the Volunteer Application Form (PDF)
Download the ArtSea Volunteer Application Form (PDF) and mail or drop in the mail slot (back door) of the ArtSea Gallery in Tulista Park, 9565 Fifth Street, Sidney BC.
Download the ArtSea Volunteer Code of Conduct (PDF)
Did you know…?
ArtSea was a top ranked candidate for the Canada Volunteer Awards in the category of Social Innovator!