ArtSea works to ignite interest and appreciation for all forms of the arts and cultural activities on the Saanich Peninsula. Activities are open to the entire community.
Now, more than ever, ArtSea needs your support! Donations will go to the area of greatest need, or they can be targeted to support specific programs, such as the Salish Sea Lantern Festival, the ArtSea Studio Tour, the ArtSea Gallery, or the ArtSea scholarship and Grants program.
ArtSea is a charitable organization and is happy to provide a tax receipt for donations of any size or type.

Registered charity number: 88888-7262 RP 001
‘Art matters more than ever: it helps us tap into our senses, emotions and values; reflect on our history; and imagine our future.’
MMOA (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Your legacy
A planned gift is your legacy, a way of making a lasting mark in support of arts and culture in our community. You can provide direction to ArtSea on where your gift is used, and you can be recognized for your support.
It can also provide important income and capital gains tax relief.
There are a number of ways you can ensure the sustainability of arts on the Peninsula for future generations.
- Cash pledges over a number of years
- Gifts of securities (stocks, bonds or mutual funds)
- Bequests in wills [Download bequest form]
- Life insurance or property
- Memorial gifts
To discuss the option that is best for you, email:
Watch your donation at work

The ArtSea Gallery in Tulista Park is situated along the beautiful waterfront walkway in Sidney, BC. There is a new artist-led exhibition almost every week; stop in regularly to see arts and culture that is happening in the community. The ArtSea Gallery is a valued attraction and community meeting point for residents and tourists visiting the Saanich Peninsula. In August 2023, the ArtSea Gallery was voted the favourite gallery on the Peninsula, according to the Peninsula News Review Reader’s Choice Awards.

The Salish Sea Lantern Festival is a magical celebration of light, community, and artistic expression in August, along the waterfront in Sidney, BC. This free event includes musical performances and interactive costumed characters, and culminates in a magical lantern procession.
In recent years, 1,500 – 2,000 people attend the evening festival, and many more participate in the Week of Lanterns leading up to the evening celebrations.

The ArtSea Studio Tour is one of Vancouver Island’s longest running self-guided studio tours, celebrating 30 years in 2024! . Every year, ArtSea organizes and presents a Fall Studio Tour when more than 30 artist studios open their doors to the public. Everyone is welcome to explore and experience the diverse range of talent and treasures that are available on the Saanich Peninsula.

The ArtSea Scholarship Program provides $1,250 each year to support the development of young artists.
The Dianne Cross Award for the Arts was created in recognition of one of the founders of ArtSea Community Arts Council (then named, the Community Arts Council of the Saanich Peninsula), to honour her remarkable contribution to arts and cultural activities on the Peninsula.

The Saanich Peninsula Arts and Culture Grant (SPACG) Program is a partnership between ArtSea and the municipalities on the Saanich Peninsula. We are pleased to offer grants and bursaries to support local arts and culture initiatives.
If you are an individual that resides on the Peninsula, or a group/collective that provides programs to the residents of the Peninsula, we invite you to learn more about this funding stream!

ArtSea Membership Profiles are free dedicated webspace for ArtSea Members to share their information and work online. Profile pages may include name, address, preferred media or art form, and artist Bio, and an image gallery of works. Profiles are created and maintained by each ArtSea Member. ArtSea is pleased to provide our members with supportive and affordable opportunities to show and sell their artwork, increase their client base, and develop community connections.

The ArtSea Newsletter is a monthly email distributed to more than 1000 subscribers. The Newsletter provides information and updates about ArtSea Programming, upcoming opportunities to register or get involved with local arts and culture, and information shared by ArtSea members and partners.